@neil @pwaring I notice that for many people, an important reason to have a blog is to earn money. Medium and Substack are based on this idea, and at least they are not surveillance based advertising.
I can sympathize with people wanting to earn some or all of their living by writing on the Internet.
As a read, I do not like the experience of having to click away popups to be able to read.
@corbet @pwaring @neil I agree that it's not easy to earn a living from writing. I sometimes wish I could do that myself.
I find the popups annoying, but I do fully understand why they are used. I wish there were a solution that both got writers (and editors and copy editors and ...) paid and didn't annoy me.
I avoid most sites with popups and I pay a subscription fee for several publications. That doesn't generally work for the individual writer, I think: too small.